while riding on a train goin' west
whisk it and go.

i get the news i need from the weather report, or so it seems. the snow is going, going gone and everything is brown. brown and windy and maybe a little blurry.
the neighbor speeds down the drive in his blue jeep. he knows it's too cold for little boys to be scooting down the alley on blue scooters but he should be more cautious. i think he's the same neighbor who had the freezer full of rotting meat sitting in his yard. ah, america, home of the free (free to be a wreckless driver and a slob to boot).
i took the christmas wreaths off of the balconies last night after my last student skipped down the sidewalk in her pink sparkle coat. in doing so i did something to my right hand that caused my finger to grow a small purple blood-blister, the first of my hand's life, of my life. i obsessively poke at it to see if it hurts yet.
it's wednesday and i'm glad of it. we've no students tonight. we've black beans to be crock-potted and quesedillas to butter and assemble and fry and spinach salad to chop and grate and toss. maybe the boys will be tired tonight and will sleep early so that i can make coffee and eat ice cream on the couch in silence.
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