got canned heat in my heels tonight
there will be no more of this:

jude is everywhere. he crawls quickly and decisively wherever he pleases. i thought things were child-friendly at our house as henry is a pistol and can find an ingenius (though mischevious) use for anything and everything. jude explores everything by way of his drooling mouth. nothing is safe.
amazing, this drive to explore the world. somehow we're ever losing that curiosity, or at least channeling it into more serious pools of research. much of me has forgotten what it's like to be a child, a small universe of energy and resiliency, a whiz-bang of sparkle, an uncontrolled enjoyer of life.
it's a beautiful thing, this grace from God that gives me children and allows me to remember something of a joy that i've forgotten. surely i can extend a little of that grace child-ward as these boys are growing and experimenting with nature and relationship. "keep me humble, keep me patient, keep me joyful."
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