to resist it is useless, it is useless to resist
the weekend was breezy and sunny and called for short sleeves and open windows. i wanted to get into the yard and rake at the leaves blown against the house, but i didn't.
sunday night there were tornadoes around, even blowing through our town, though we didn't hear the sirens and slept high in the house through the night. the lightening flashed silver and the hail pelted against the metal, the slate, the brick. as i fell asleep i picked out percussive patterns, counting them in pings and marbles. in the morning there was water splashed in the kindermusik room but no real damage was done. the grass is greener today, yesterday, highlights, frosted, green spears in the mud. tornadoes are a sign of spring around these parts.

we spent the weekend as we should: working, playing, worshipping, resting. we ended the thing with a terrific surprise: the dream has opened early for the year! most likely in anticipation of profit losses that are inevitable as soon as the brand new dairy queen opens. the girls in their white pants rushed around making cheese balls, dipped cones. everyone in town had ice cream on saturday. i will be sad if the dream has to close due to the shiny-ness, year 'round openness of the DQ.
we went to lakeland park for awhile until some little kids were vulgar and their parents didn't care about it enough to stop it. we drove with the windows down, of course, a recent discovery that keeps our children engaged in the car for longer than usual, their fingers stretching out the edges of the windows, the wind blowing their hair high, their cheeks rosy.

the moon roof, cloud roof, is my favorite part about the new car. soon we'll whiff at the springtime as the wind whips and swirls through the roof during our long drives over countryside and cityscape.
oh yay! we must plan a trip to the dream, now that it's open... oh, and maybe we'll visit you guys, too.
hello mollie
i was thinking of you lately. reading you blog makes me smile..and wish i could hang out with you. sewing..or making cookies...or waffle house at 2am. fun memories:)
love you
I still have never been to the dream... maybe this summer :)
That picture of Henry is awesome. We've been enjoying similarly fresh days recently here in sunny SC.
The Dream can't close!
hey mollie,
mike here. remember me? the laugher? ring any bells? i rememeber the glass door incident. anyway... i noticed under "educate yourself" you have portsmouth tea listed. i actually live in somersworth, nh (where portsmouth tea is located). i've been in their shop. great place. i have a friend who is going to be working there very soon. i have tried many of their teas. good stuff. take care.
reb: i thought of you today when i was catching up on the gilmore girls. for some reason i was remembering making you stay up to watch psycho with me. ha!
laugher! fantastic. i'm glad to hear about the tea. i got a fancy tea diffuser for christmas from my mom and i haven't even tried it yet. terrible. good to hear that laugh again. "i can relate." :)
everyone else: come for cream -- soon.
will the dream still be open when we roadtrip this fall? Say late september? i think thats the earliest i could get there...
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