bits and pieces as a red jeep drives by. he passes a man cruising the morning street on a red lawnmower and the red sedan parked sleepy across the street. jude kicks back on a red chair munching oyster crackers. henry sleeps late (!) beneath a red summer blanket upstairs near the fan. a new concentration of tea sits steeping a redness atop the kitchen counter. new modes of caffeine during the red heat of summer.
two more dreaming delights. spaced out, of course! if i blogged more frequently it wouldn't seem so bad . . .


sick children, crunchy eyes, running noses. jude was so crunchy and sad and sleepy that we postponed his birthday celebration until this weekend. terribly sad to have a crabby baby at his own birthday party.
something must be said for the
fabulous barb and her stunning and super supersilks. they are the toys most favored in this house of greene. they are capes and knapsacks, tents and
slings, skirts, long hair, curtains,
bullfighter capes, snakes, oceans, sharks, wings, scarves, babies, and of course, much, much more! buy some! today! they are
gifts that give back (as ridiculous as that reads). and they're beautiful pieces of art created by a
beautiful mama, too.

if you're trying to
stay cool the old fashioned way, might i suggest
cool drinks? icy and blendered made by a man wielding strawberries and limes.

and on the same subject, staying cool, that is, i cannot sing the praises of
covering the windows enough. i'm kind of a no-curtain, shades, blinds kind of girl -- i like the openness of the glass, the trees peeking in the windows. but the summer sun is too hot! we closed the blinds in the living room and set a fan to swirl and the place is a lime-ade oasis. something must be done upstairs. the sun wakes us up bright and early, bright eyed with a fire tail, sending us down to the dark and cool and out to the splashing and cold.
bend low again, night of summer stars.
so near you are, sky of summer stars,
so near,
a long arm man can pick off stars,
pick off what he wants in the sky bowl,
so near you are, summer stars,
so near, strumming, strumming,
so lazy and hum-strumming.