the latin names of flowers
it's official: we've another walker! no longer is the crawl the second-best (*the* best being slung about by mama, of course) form of transport. the perfect form of his crawl will soon be left to memory as jude is now everywhere on soft dirty feet. congratulations are expected!

it's hot again, the sun sneaking in the house through the cracks between the curtains. our bodies grow accustomed to feeling hot and, suddenly, it is not so bad. to feel a little sticky and a little hot has become "okay." i think we're designed to feel this way come summer sun and sweat. with bodies that are not used to the cold of central air no one is completely wilted when playing outside. everyone shouts, though, shouting over the loud spinning whirr of the fans of the house.
henry has, for the most part, stopped napping. we mourn this loss. without a nap we've a long day of three year old effervescent energy, no break for mama, and several hours of wearisome grumpiness, from both mother and child. but today is a day of surprises! henry passed out during rest time and as i went to fetch the camera he scootched over and held jude's hand. so beautiful and sweaty in our room of blue. of course, he'll be bouncing off of the walls until well after eight. it's hard to know what to do!

and an altogether too-rich heath-in-chocolate-soft-serve number thirteen, eaten while sweating on the couch and watching the aviator.

WTG, Jude!! How exciting! :)
What a sweet face, that Jude-boy! Congratulations, big guy!
That picture you have of Henry & Jude sleeping is so precious. While packing, I came across a photo almost identical to yoursof my two boys when they were about that age. So sweet.
I hear ya with the nap situation...*sigh*
I'm so sorry to hear about no more naps. It is how I get through the day. But, I'm so happy for Jude. What a cutie.
That picture is toooooo precious. It is a picture of some of the best parts of being a mommy.
congratulations all around!
(and now you'll understand the "show me the blueprints" allusion on my last blog)
Awesome pictures!
...Belinda is now a seldom-napper too...
Go, Jude! (He is such an unbelievably cute kid, wait 'til he gets some hair *sighs*)
Heath in chocolate too rich? May it never be.
Congratulations little Jude! Way to go!
beautiful. the kids are pretty cute, too. ;) but the dream... oh now that's something.
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