perhaps it's because, this way, i drink nearly ever drop brewed and feel no guilt since i'm not pouring it down the drain. or it could be because it's ever more so delicious made this way: hotter. stronger, certainly. not too far down the list would be the freeing up of coveted counterspace in the kitchen now that the behemoth krups is stashed away in the lower cabinet in case of glass shattering coffee innoculation emergencies. it could be the whistling teakettle and the measuring of tablespoons that never came with the quick gurgle of the auto-drip percolating percolator.

though the most honest excuse probably has something to do with obsessive addiction and insatiable craving, whatever the reasoning may be, the french press is my new favorite household accomplice!
mmm.... the drink of the gods. i want one of those. (it seems i always want what you have, mollie, huh? i just idolize you, that's all).
yes, i will be glad for this bad boyfriend of a month to be done. and then... i shall be joining you in the ranks of 30! woo!
i called yu the other day... did you get it?
french press fantastic
French Press all the way! It's so good. I got a thermal one from my Aunt and Uncle as a housewarming gift when we bought our home. I love it. Of course, we did have to start doing have decaf. We just started enjoying it too much.
Love the French press. I agree - it's much more enjoyable to make. And swooshing the grounds down!
Once you convert to the french press, there is really no going back! I love my stainless steel 12 cup thermal bodum for serving company, and the smaller 8 cupper for just us in the mornings. Coffee this way is just more authentic, somehow.
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