stay awake don't go to sleep
yesterday's late nap made for a late night for henry. jude sleeps no matter what (shouldn't jinx it by saying so, i know...) but henry runs until he drops. he was so cute last night, though, bouncing gary in his pouch and singing to him. he's so gentle with gary saying, "oh baby, mommy's here." and kissing on him. i love when henry kisses things, people. they're just about the best kisses on this planet. jude's are a close second but jude's kisses mostly consist of gnawing on my chin or nose while holding my cheekbones in his hands.

my mom and i junk shopped today. we went to "brandon's bargain barn" which is a new place and there had been a break-in so we couldn't rummage. so we went to another spot in town that is more of a consignment shop than a junk heap and i bought a cool indian lamp to hang here or there but most definitely outside in our summer tent. i'm very excited and the thing was only ten dollars so there's really nothing more to say without taking a jump around the living room.
it's the weekend at last. henry cries when ernie leaves for work. it's sad but very cute. i lock the backdoor while reassuring him that poppy will be home tonight, that i know he loves to keep poppy here to play. then we make toast and coffee while jude sits on the kitchen floor gnawing on a spoon.
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