life ain't easy for a boy named sue
two new greenes!

berio (the black) and ophelia (the gray) joined our family last saturday afternoon. they've been living in the laundry room because they're scared of us, mostly scared of the ever exuberent jude. when the kids are sleeping i bring them out to scratch. i think i'm experiencing the beginnings of purrs. they sneak through the house and look for places to hide. i spend a series of minutes crawling around looking for them in each crack and crevice.
ernie likes them too. he's more than a good sport about it (good sport -- i really don't like using that phrase, it seems belittling, really. i was once called a good sport by a well-meaning boyfriend and let me tell you, that was the beginning of the end...). actually, it is apparent that he has some affection for them. he was looking at collars for them at hot topic last night. for berio, at least. "if i'm going to have a cat, it's going to be cool."
berio is boy, named for a favored composer of the one i love the most. and ophelia, (named for, well, of course for hamlet's girl) well. we thought she was girl. but i'm thinking maybe i missed a little something something. "so sad to be a boy named ophelia."
my daddy left home when i was three
and he didn't leave much to ma and me
just this old guitar and an empty bottle of booze.
now, i don't blame him cause he run and hid,
but the meanest thing he ever did
was before he left he went and named me sue....
monday night: our students were fantastic! i was totally beaming -- my face was hurting from the beams that were shooting out of the corners of my mouth. there is so much energy with a job well done and everyone was feeling it.
afterwards we had to celebrate so we dreamed, of course. something more serious. the inclusion of fat frenched fries will not be discussed as i tally the nights we've had ice cream (four). the camera was not among us (?) and being serious about a photograph collage of dairy dreams i brought the trash home with me! and took photos atop the dining room table! i did not save ernie's malt container. nor did i save henry's little cup ("my little cup! where is it?" he shouts as the goods are being divvied out...). only the containers pictured below. i love the fry cup. who thought of that? if you know, please comment!

the neighbor girls have at long last gone inside. they screech and giggle at each other all afternoon. they sit in the yard and make sarcastic comments with each other. some nights, late, they scream and giggle more as they make their way to the car. mornings are quiet because they're sleeping late, a summer long slumber party atop a trampoline, dreams of stars and faraway places and someone to blush and butterfly for. i hear their chatter and smile even though their ebullience has woken the baby.
Mollie, do you remember when you and Kelly Raymond slept outside on her roof? TToday's blog reminded me that time, oh so long ago.
Oh, and with eyes like those, old Ophelia could have been named Frank Sinatra.
or, Paul Newman.
I'm ashamed to say my boy can sing all the words to most Johnny Cash songs...including that one.
i love the dream now. ok? and i love ice cream. and i love your blog. but the dream's cup designer-buyer people -- they could really work on the packaging, don't you think? they use the same fry cups as beef-a-roo's cheddar fries up here, and those are the gerriest ice cream cups i've seen in a long time. can the greene people help them with a new cup design? please, please, please. they would profit so. and you would be a part of something big -- really big, something just bamboozlingly beautiful.
oh...and if you happen to know swahili, i am authorized to share with you on behalf of two of my best friends in the world that watoto wachanga vizalia hizi. woohoo!
Hey, you can be macho and like cats at the same time....really, or have I just been living a lie?
Wife #1 and I have four of them, glad to see that you didn't pick names like "Starshine Sunflake," or "Melbatoast." Good names. Although I honestly have no idea who Berio is.
A friend of mine has a 45 with "A Boy Named Sue" on it, good stuff.
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