i shake you warmly by the hand
willy wonka!
willy wonka!
the amazing chocolatier!

if you've not seen it buy something scrumdiddlyumptious and go. do it tonight. we've taken a family-wide trip to the garden theater (read: sticky local theater with night-lights that are too bright and regular, non-surrounding sound) twice. jude fell asleep within minutes due to overstimulation and the convenient portability and coziness of mama milk. henry sat in his seat sipping his own coke, laughing at the appropriate times, whispering, "she was unkind!" at the appropriate times, singing at the appropriate times.
wonderful. and chocolatey. as one who loves gene wilder in the original movie, i could not help but fear feeling otherwise as johnny depp (ooh la la) donned the velvety jacket and welcomed us to his factory. but the two movies are completely different and really can hardly be compared to one another.
the mother in this movie wears the most fabulous shag-ragged clothes. i love her. the mother in the old one was sweaty and shiny and wore that ugly, blond pony-tail wig.
the new charlie is cute and sweet while the old one was crusty and just really quite yucky. i was happy to like the winner of the lifetime chocolate supply.
my lone criticism regarding this new wonka bar is the choice of musical accompaniment to roald dahl's fantastically witty lyrics. half of the time i could not make out the words being sung. henry is running around singing, "augustus gloop" but i think that's all that we were able to hear through the accompaniment. perhaps it was the theater in which we heard the movie? ::shrugging:: and perhaps it is just because i believe that i'm going deaf! what?
how used they keep themselves contented before this monster was invented?
have you forgotten, don't you know? we'll say it very loud and slow:
they used to read!
i want that shirt.
i agree with all your sentiments... (though john will beg to differ - he loves crusty charlie. we are faced with a tough choice: see it again at the drive in (which is kind of romantic) or see it at the IMAX theater, which undoubt-a-bally will blow or socks clear into iowa.
well, maybe two more times wouldn't be so bad anyway.
i thought it was fab. (and oh, we snuck SO much candy into that theater.) i loved that they didn't tone down the kid-/parent-thrashing at all, and i love that charlie was the right kind of literary hero, and i love the cinematography, and i love johnny's "eeww!" there was one point of distraction in this adaptation but we can talk about that later. there's an imax of it at greenfield village in detroit, and i was sorely tempted....
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