fresh milk delivered daily
it's world breastfeeding week, huzzah! in celebration i will be breastfeeding all week long!

although i do not consider myself an expert on either the subject or practice of breastfeeding, i have breastfed for what sometimes seems like a very long time, from henry's first mewling, through jude's first fluttering and (gasp) beyond. and because i continue to deliver fresh milk daily to boy and baby i give you, "what we believe about breastfeeding."
breastfeeding is normal.
in a country and culture that is obsessed with the bosom, where flaunting breasts is acceptable for fashion, fun, and folly, and where children are recognized by many as bothersome and manipulative, claiming that breastfeeding is the most normal, most natural way for babies and small children to find nourishment and comfort is no small claim! down with the horrible tent draperies (no matter how chic!) that mamas and babes have endured in this generation! away with all hiding away in bathrooms (eating anything while in a bathroom is revolting!), back-bedrooms, and hot, parked cars! a woman should never have to hide herself and her babe because some other person is so breast-obsessed that he or she is offended! i've gone to other rooms, gone to the car to nurse before. but only because i felt uncomfortable, not because i didn't want someone to feel weird because my baby was eating. breasts are first and foremost for breastfeeding. and people need to recognize this! educate your children, educate yourselves!
breastfeeding is best.
apart from the extremely rare occurence that a woman and her babe are unable to enjoy a breastfeeding relationship, breastmilk is the best for all babies. we believe that it's not only the best right after birth, but is highly beneficial through the toddler years and beyond. studies have shown that babies who are breastfed longer are smarter, healthier and more attached than their bottle-fed and prematurely-weaned peers.
additionally, breastfeeding is best for mama! studies show that breastfeeding not only reduces the risk of post-partum depression but also reduces the risks of ovarian, uterine, endometrial and breast cancers and osteoporosis in women.
breastfeeding is wonderful.
in our house breastfeeding is a cure-all. it soothes wounded spirits, it calms restless, wild bodies, it lulls babe and boy to sleep, and it primarily nurtures a healthy attatchment between all of us.
for more information on breastfeeding and extended breastfeeding, read!
Right on!
the amy butler fabric is nice, but seriously... do they have a printed one that says 'i am breastfeeding under this thing' ? cause that's what it screams to me.
ok. ranting over. :)
happy world breastfeedng week!
You go!
Sing it, Sister! haha I agree with you on all your comments about breastfeeding.
As for feeding into the toddler years, I suppose that is easier for some than others. I put every ounce of energy into making it to the one year mark. As a working mother who travels, that was quite a feat. While it seems simple to know the right answer, I think we still have to be sensitive to the reality of our world, too.
Great blog, BTW... I'm just getting started, myself.
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