better that i break the window
it's cold, but we try anyway. henry warns me to "watch out for the creepy man behind you!" and the man, who was nearly past me and barely behind me, chuckled and walked on.

the sun shines this morning. my desk needs attention again, the strange collection of paper and coffee cup piling up already. if i take care of it now, today, this minute, i may develop tidy habits and possibly win some sort of tidiness award. but we've got this sunshine and a relatively new box of crayolas and a string of paper to roll across the floor so it's hard to commit to things menial like the rearranging of paper and the washing of cups.
When I pulled up your blog today Penelope goes "Henry" sounds more like enry and then I scrolled down and she said "Jude" sounds like goo. How cute that she knows who her cousins are!
It amuses me when children say things to their parents that they believe that no one else will hear. I was at the store a few months ago buying cereal (on sale with 10 - 15 $1.00 off coupons) so there was a bunch of it in the cart.
The little girl behind me couldn't get over how much cereal I was buying and kep making comments to her mother. I tried to pretend I didn't hear since the mother seemed rather embarrassed.
At least she didn't refer to me as a "
creepy man" :)
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