it's you i like
so henry and i have started watching mr. rogers religiously. he sits in my lap and does not get up until fred has tossed his shoe for the last time and slipped it onto his slender foot.

yesterday the thermometer read a breezy sixty degrees. henry marched in the mud wearing pirate boots two days in a row. jude was rosy cheeked and happy outside watching henry run in circles around my legs.

but it's cold today. my fingers feel it through the window glass.
i should have books coming in the mail today.
ernie is working on an arrangment of "be thou my vision" on a commission for a tuba and euphonium choir. the second verse is stunning and quite impressive. i like to hear him buzzing around in his studio late into the night, humming and plunking out notes on the keyboard. the sounds are muffled through the dining room floor and i can hear him talking to himself but cannot make out the words.
i've decided to teach kindermusik this summer in an attempt to keep my mind working and to make more money to spend garage-sale-like at bradley's bargain barn. there is some interest in this town and if i can get six students it will be worthwhile. henry will take, and jude, if i can manage two kinds of classes. it will be summer and they will be 3 and 1 so the idea is more manageable in my back-flipping brain.
Have you ever listened to that This American Life episode ( about Mr. Rogers? Davy Rothbart (who created this great magazine called Found) interviews him. It's episode 184.. Another piece of trivia: I drive by Mr. Rogers' alma mater every day.
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