maybe we'll be caught for hours (waiting out the sun)
last night while in and out of sleep in the midst of helping boys to sleep we heard the horrible shriek of a car accident right in front of our house. it was loud and terrible. people were screaming in the road.

jude was drooling and long gone but henry was all about the further investigation that followed. ernie took his flashlight and we all went out, henry waiting with me on the front steps. two fire trucks, two police cars, one ambulance and one tow truck, all with lights flipping over and around in a flash were cause for great excitement for our underwear clad three year old.

thankfully, no one was hurt. a car flew up the hill (one of many in day) and smashed our neighbor's parked truck. just before the tow truck pulled the car away the owner popped the trunk and retrieved his golf clubs. we need more stop signs on this road! or speed bumps. or flower and tree filled planters!
we've another chewer of gum in this house! an extremely cute one at that. he chews the gum with his front seven teeth, sticking it out with his tongue to blow bubbles like mama. so smart, he is.

ernie plays late tonight, a gig with the doc who delivered me of my gum chewer many moons ago. we're wondering if joining the band will provide us with maternity benefits.
the boys sleep. the house is a wreck. we scattered kindermusik fliers and studio fliers and cool metallic pinwheels over the crowds in the local parade this morning. we wore cool shirts and walked alongside a white truck. for under a hundred bucks we got a lot of good advertisement. any other ideas for effective yet cheap (or free) advertising of our booming business?
berio the black has got to go. i'm furious with myself. i could have had an ergo for the cost of this wretched cat. i need a comfort corner and i need it now. the cat has not stopped crying since his sister was adopted. he has peed and pooped in terrible locations. i just can't deal with potty-learning three year old pee and poop, cloth-diapered one year old pee and poop, and anxious neurotic seven month old feline pee and poop. is this justified frustration or sadly poltroonish?
I'm sorry :-( It does seem as though his issues are behavioral, but it may be worth a trip to the vet. When our cat was peeing outside of her box, it turned out that she had a urinary tract infection. Antibiotics and a little enzyme cleaner, and she hasn't had an accident since (UTI's can also make cats poo outside their box, too ;-) )
If it isn't a health problem, the articles on this site may be able to help:
Little Big Cat
Hopefully, you'll get it all figured out. Cats with litterbox issues are not the best adoption candidates.
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