on the shoot

a squeak and a bounce and a few dollars (of course) and we've the ultimate in cowboy gear. he's been fed and watered and covered in a blanket to sleep. he's been named scout.

he's galloped from "bad guys" with a gun toting unmasked rider who is shouting, "look at me!" and, less frequently, other cowboy lingo, such as "whoa!" and "heigh-ho, silver!"
two can ride but one falls off and there is always a fight for the front-most spot -- grasping reins and mane are better than tail, apparently.
we discovered a delicious cookbook to enjoy with henry (and jude of course). the illustrations are terrific and the food (thus far) is delicious. henry loves to cut and shred and pile and smear and butter.

the sun backs off a bit and the night air chills the house. the green pants were giddily pulled from the bottom of the pants pile in the closet to wear this morning. the coffee was perfect. the cats are not annoyingly sticking their fur to my arms when i pet them. the boys wear jeans. the water in the shower is twisted into the hot position. tempers mellow along with the temperatures.
the school bus roars by and i pour more coffee and settle in with something new to read. something little and pleasing to hold in the hand. barnes and noble has a whole collection of books in this size and shape. they even smell read-worthy. and for under six bucks can one go wrong?
I believe our menu for the evening is meatloaf, roasted potatoes, green salad, and bread. The door is open....
see, now, that's just the way it is. who can resist not having to cook but getting to eat? ants and grasshopper indeed . . .
fantastic! i'll have to order that cookbook...
i was eyeing the "little books" at b&n, too... maybe next time 'round.
1. I had a horse just like that when I was little, and it was also graced with "heigh-ho, silver, away!" and other such Western slang. I was such a tomboy.
2. That cookbook looks fun, and we don't even have kids yet. Will it encourage husbands to help cook? ;)
3. I just discovered those books from B&N too! I love that they have all my favorite classics. I picked up The Odyssey, since I've never read it in full, but I certainly thought about Just So Stories. I already have a paperback somewhere, though. And at $6 they are addictive!
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