"though she was born a long time ago, your mother should know."

paint in the hair, the mouth, the navel. paint to sqeeze, squish and smear. anything to clean the kitchen without interruption. they paint themselves, the table, the chairs, the paper. they use brushes and fingers and rollers and spoons. henry is proud and insists on hanging them up. jude hurls his paper to the floor in true artistic disdain and starts over. we love paint!

we love paint because it cleans up so much better than marker, particularly when applied to the skin. marker tattoos on hand and arm, tummy, are fun to show-off at sunday school and supermarket. but the paint turns the blueberry bath water into colors that swirl into gray before tornadoing down the drain.

paint is also better than crayon as it is extremely difficult to misplace bottles of paint, at least in my limited experience, but crayons roll away and are found and eaten later, found and used on walls and floors later. crayon is terrible to clean without a mr. clean magic eraser. marker, too. paint disappears with a little soap and water. paint is cold and messy. paint also costs a wee bit more than various sticks of color, except for chalk, which breaks and crumbles and melts on the tongue. so worth it for the paint, though, for such saturation and splatter.

henry starts awana tomorrow night! i held back tears when i took him to his big-kid sunday school class -- the three year olds. oh my gosh, he's in there sitting on chairs and singing and playing and seeing the bible come to life by way of the flannelgraph. his sunday school teacher is also his cubbie leader for awana, which is good for all involved. i'm nervous about awana! what if he can't handle it? how is it that he's old enough for such things? is he old enough?
i can't wait to buy the vest, i really can't.
What was that comment before mine all about? Did you follow that link?
Anyway, I was going to say that our glass table-top suffered from much finger painting and coloring and playdough tronic and artistically used nail polish. There are times when Belinda gets into so many media of art that we can't get the stuff off for several bath cycles.
The table top just broke when we discovered that some crafts are even too much for heavy tempered glass. We won't go into just how that happened.
it was spam. i need to set it up to keep that stuff out. ::shrug::
"several bath cycles" is right. i'm waiting for jude to receive a permanent marker moustache from his bro. any day now.
I love the vests.
Also, record him singing the cubbie song, you know, "We are AWANA cubbies..." I love that one :o)
looks wonderful!
sorry i haven't called you back... it's been so crazy...
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