i said, "be careful his bowtie is really a camera"
my birdfeeder was heartlessly knocked from the tree by the wretched squirrel who chewed a scar in the side of the feeder the other day. i am so annoyed with this squirrel. he scares the birds away and eats all of the food. he looks at me through the window with little eyes, switching his tail and rudely splaying his crotch my way. i'm about to perform a random act of violence on said squirrel. my brother shoots the squirrels at his feeder with his paint ball gun. i'm not *that* annoyed. but something must be done. the cardinals are hiding in the neighbors bushes watching me through the leaves and twigs and windows as i stand and watch the squirrel munch away.
henry painted yesterday during jude's first nap. he started with the paper and ended with his body. he didn't know he'd been wearing a blue moustache for half an hour until he caught a glimpse in bedroom mirror much later. it was cute to see his surprise. then he asked to wash it off. funny kiddo.

the weekend is upon us.
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