you've nowhere to hide: she's asking you why you think it's funny
waiting for a ride jude stands in a jacket poking his finger through an unfortunate hole in the screen door. his eyes shine blue and long-lashed. he dances in place wearing shoes. he walks to grandmama's house too, now, stopping often to gather sticks and stomp on leaves. he's a baby and a boy all at once. so fast, this time with jude. much faster than with henry. a woman at church has a tiny baby who seems impossibly small. a swirl in the air is all that's left of jude's tiny-ness. if i swing my head around quickly towards the swirl i get a glimmer of it before it's gone.

this studio is serious business! two kindermusik classes have made and start tomorrow. the kindermusik room sparkles. the instruments are cleaned and organized. there are new materials waiting to be carried home by little hands worn by smiling children. i can only accept four, maybe five, more private piano students before starting a waiting list! ernie has room for a few more students, but those he has are minds of which to be proud. in one year we've been blessed more than our stupid little faithless selves imagined. perhaps we'll boom enough to quit any other money-making endeavors and just be musicians and live well off of that. someday.
and a special awe-struck thanks to the ever-fabulous tim as, because of his genius and insane ability, our greene bird studios is on the verge of reaching even greater heights of serious business-ness. patience: such secrets to be unveiled at a later time.
once again a breezy cold rain, happily plunking down after henry and i (as jude napped) spent the morning cleaning up the yard, planting mums, running with sticks.
henry sports a new "captain's sword" purchased in the "creepy place" (halloween central) at walmart. it's chintzy and plastic with overly-shiny golden paint, but it comes with a sheath and, in henry's eyes, it's a serious golden treasure not to be taken lightly. "there be the chest and inside be the gold!" he shouts, a one-eyed wonder who blows his mama a kiss on his way up the stairs. sweetness indeed.
We want to come to kindermusik class, too!
Congratulations on expanding your student base. Little by little...
ooh, a secret...
i love secrets.
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